Virtual Blooming Zoomers WI

Virtual Blooming Zoomers WI logo

Our virtual WI has the same aim as all WI's, which is a trusted place where all women of every generation can come together to learn from each other whilst enjoying a safe space to socialise. This is especially true of Virtual Blooming Zoomers, which enables you to meet up with others women from the comfort of your own home. The WI is known for its long history of campaigning for positive change and gives you a voice to make a difference. Recent campaigns include action on climate change, food waste, mental health, dementia care, stopping violence against women and the plight of the honey bee to name a few. You also have the opportunity of online learning through the WI Learning Hub and Denman at Home We meet on the fourth Monday of every month at 7.30pm to 9pm using Zoom and we're open to all women over the age of 18. We have members living in other parts of the country and currently a member in Portugal due to the flexibility of zoom. Our meetings are as diverse as Crop Circles The Mystery to Chair Yoga. We have the occasional craft session but recognise this isn't everybody's interest. Each month we get-together for a ‘tea and natter session’ and "wine and wisdom chat". Members can suggest and run a social meeting. Members have access to the ‘members only’ WI website. A hard copy of "WI Life" published by the National WI is posted eight times a year. Plus a digital copy of the local East Sussex WI News is emailed nine times a year. In between we keep you updated with any other relevant news. Our WI has the benefit of accessibility and is a very welcoming space.

Virtual Blooming Zoomers WI

Our virtual WI has the same aim as all WI's, which is a trusted place where all women of every generation can come together to learn from each other whilst enjoying a safe space to socialise. This is especially true of Virtual Blooming Zoomers, which enables you to meet up with others women from the comfort of your own home. The WI is known for its long history of campaigning for positive change and gives you a voice to make a difference. Recent campaigns include action on climate change, food waste, mental health, dementia care, stopping violence against women and the plight of the honey bee to name a few. You also have the opportunity of online learning through the WI Learning Hub and Denman at Home We meet on the fourth Monday of every month at 7.30pm to 9pm using Zoom and we're open to all women over the age of 18. We have members living in other parts of the country and currently a member in Portugal due to the flexibility of zoom. Our meetings are as diverse as Crop Circles The Mystery to Chair Yoga. We have the occasional craft session but recognise this isn't everybody's interest. Each month we get-together for a ‘tea and natter session’ and "wine and wisdom chat". Members can suggest and run a social meeting. Members have access to the ‘members only’ WI website. A hard copy of "WI Life" published by the National WI is posted eight times a year. Plus a digital copy of the local East Sussex WI News is emailed nine times a year. In between we keep you updated with any other relevant news. Our WI has the benefit of accessibility and is a very welcoming space.

Virtual Blooming Zoomers WI logo

The help they provide

Where they help (Areas):Eastbourne, Lewes District, Wealden

Who they help (Beneficiaries):Female

How they help (Services):2