Mediation Plus

Mediation Plus logo

MEDIATION PLUS IS AN INDEPENDENT MEDIATION SERVICE Mediation Plus is a not-for-profit charitable organisation providing high-quality, impartial and confidential mediation services to empower individuals, groups and communities to resolve and manage conflicts themselves.   In July 2023 we merged with Hastings & Rother Mediation and now provide community mediation services, Family Mediation (for divorcing and separating couples), workplace and bespoke mediation and accredited training across Eastbourne, Wealden, Lewes, Hastings & Rother. We have over 25 years’ experience of working with communities across East Sussex.

Mediation Plus

MEDIATION PLUS IS AN INDEPENDENT MEDIATION SERVICE Mediation Plus is a not-for-profit charitable organisation providing high-quality, impartial and confidential mediation services to empower individuals, groups and communities to resolve and manage conflicts themselves.   In July 2023 we merged with Hastings & Rother Mediation and now provide community mediation services, Family Mediation (for divorcing and separating couples), workplace and bespoke mediation and accredited training across Eastbourne, Wealden, Lewes, Hastings & Rother. We have over 25 years’ experience of working with communities across East Sussex.

Mediation Plus logo

The help they provide

Where they help (Areas):Eastbourne, Lewes District, Wealden

Who they help (Beneficiaries):Children and families, Local Community, Tenants and Residents, Victims of Crime, Young people

How they help (Services):Advice, Information & Advocacy, Education/Training/Learning

Get In Touch

Chichester Road
St Leonards on Sea
TN38 9BG

Email:[email protected]

