Eastbourne and District Friends of the Earth
To campaign on environmental matters, both locally and nationally, as a local group affiliated to the national Friends of the Earth charity.
To engage in campaigning activities on specific environmental issues locally. To provide the public with information and facts about local environmental issues. To provide workshops and training sessions on environmental issues. To co-operate with local community groups and local statutory bodies in helping to protect local environment.
Eastbourne and District Friends of the Earth
To engage in campaigning activities on specific environmental issues locally. To provide the public with information and facts about local environmental issues. To provide workshops and training sessions on environmental issues. To co-operate with local community groups and local statutory bodies in helping to protect local environment.
To campaign on environmental matters, both locally and nationally, as a local group affiliated to the national Friends of the Earth charity.
The help they provide
Where they help (Areas):Eastbourne, Wealden
Who they help (Beneficiaries):Environment and Nature
How they help (Services):Environment/Conservation, Campaigning, Community Buildings/Space
Get In Touch
60 Rattle Road
60 Rattle Road
BN24 5DJ
Email:[email protected]