Criminon UK

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To improve social welfare of offenders by assisting them in their education and rehabilitation, so they can make a positive contribution to society. Our programme seeks to address: • Reading and learning skills • Drug and alcohol abuse • Self-respect and confidence • Anti-social conduct • Ability to solve problems

• Provide 4 accredited courses in drug awareness, literacy (2 courses) and practical morals • Provide 5 courses in communication, parenting, personal integrity, handling suppression and improving life situations • Provide 1 course in Mentoring which gives offenders the skills to help other offenders with educational and learning difficulties • Recruitment of volunteer distance-learning tutors • Fundraising • Engaging with beneficiaries through newsletters and supplying promotional material in order for them to refer other beneficiaries and increase our reach • Improving and increasing our evidence to show our effectiveness

Criminon UK

• Provide 4 accredited courses in drug awareness, literacy (2 courses) and practical morals • Provide 5 courses in communication, parenting, personal integrity, handling suppression and improving life situations • Provide 1 course in Mentoring which gives offenders the skills to help other offenders with educational and learning difficulties • Recruitment of volunteer distance-learning tutors • Fundraising • Engaging with beneficiaries through newsletters and supplying promotional material in order for them to refer other beneficiaries and increase our reach • Improving and increasing our evidence to show our effectiveness

To improve social welfare of offenders by assisting them in their education and rehabilitation, so they can make a positive contribution to society. Our programme seeks to address: • Reading and learning skills • Drug and alcohol abuse • Self-respect and confidence • Anti-social conduct • Ability to solve problems

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The help they provide

Where they help (Areas):Lewes District

Who they help (Beneficiaries):Ex Offenders Offenders

How they help (Services):2