
Cranstoun logo

Cranstoun makes life better for those affected by alcohol and drugs and complex needs and our skilled and compassionate people work closely with services users and their families to change and save lives. We combine proven expertise in treatment and recovery with innovative approaches and actively involve those we help in improving the design of the services we provide. East Sussex Families and carers team supports the families of those who have both mental health problems and problematic drug/alcohol use. We provide 1-1 support, advice, signposting and groupwork to anyone affected by someone else’s substance misuse and mental health problems ( dual diagnosis)

1. Educational groups 2. 1-1 support 3. Support groups 4. Community events 5. Outreach support 6. Telephone support 7. Referral to other agencies 8. Signposting and advice & volunteering opportunities


1. Educational groups 2. 1-1 support 3. Support groups 4. Community events 5. Outreach support 6. Telephone support 7. Referral to other agencies 8. Signposting and advice & volunteering opportunities

Cranstoun makes life better for those affected by alcohol and drugs and complex needs and our skilled and compassionate people work closely with services users and their families to change and save lives. We combine proven expertise in treatment and recovery with innovative approaches and actively involve those we help in improving the design of the services we provide. East Sussex Families and carers team supports the families of those who have both mental health problems and problematic drug/alcohol use. We provide 1-1 support, advice, signposting and groupwork to anyone affected by someone else’s substance misuse and mental health problems ( dual diagnosis)

Cranstoun logo

The help they provide

Where they help (Areas):Eastbourne, Lewes District, Wealden

Who they help (Beneficiaries):Mental health, Substance Misusers

How they help (Services):2

Get In Touch

8 Saffrons Road
BN21 1DG

