Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service

Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service logo

Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service is an independent charity providing mediation and other conflict resolution services for people in Brighton & Hove and the Lewes District of East Sussex. Our mission is to bring people together to prevent and to repair the harm caused by conflict in their community. We do this by providing: Mediation and one to one conflict resolution support in communities and workplaces. Education and training in conflict resolution strategies and skills. We recruit and train volunteers from our communities to be mediators and conflict coaches. Our office team provide information about our services to the public and organise meetings with volunteers and the people we support.

Community Mediation, Workplace Mediation, Mediation Training, Outreach work and support

Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service

Community Mediation, Workplace Mediation, Mediation Training, Outreach work and support

Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service is an independent charity providing mediation and other conflict resolution services for people in Brighton & Hove and the Lewes District of East Sussex. Our mission is to bring people together to prevent and to repair the harm caused by conflict in their community. We do this by providing: Mediation and one to one conflict resolution support in communities and workplaces. Education and training in conflict resolution strategies and skills. We recruit and train volunteers from our communities to be mediators and conflict coaches. Our office team provide information about our services to the public and organise meetings with volunteers and the people we support.

Brighton & Hove Independent Mediation Service logo

The help they provide

Where they help (Areas):Eastbourne, Lewes District, Wealden

Who they help (Beneficiaries):Children and families, Other, Tenants and Residents

How they help (Services):Advice, Information & Advocacy, Education/Training/Learning, Community Buildings/Space, Community safety

Get In Touch

Lower Ground Floor, Ecclesden
Grove Hill

Email:[email protected]

