Action in rural Sussex (AirS)

Action in rural Sussex (AirS) logo

Action in rural Sussex (AirS) is an independent charity that exists for all people living in rural areas but especially those who are at risk of isolation and/or disadvantage. AirS is strongly committed to the values of equality and diversity in everything that we do and we are very proud of the work that we do to build stronger and more inclusive communities across the great county of Sussex

Action in rural Sussex has three operational aims: 1.  To reduce the incidence and impact of disadvantage and poverty on people living in rural areas. 2.  To increase the capacity of rural communities to manage change for the benefit of all their members. 3.  To inform and amplify the voice of rural communities to influence public policy.  

Action in rural Sussex (AirS)

Action in rural Sussex has three operational aims: 1.  To reduce the incidence and impact of disadvantage and poverty on people living in rural areas. 2.  To increase the capacity of rural communities to manage change for the benefit of all their members. 3.  To inform and amplify the voice of rural communities to influence public policy.  

Action in rural Sussex (AirS) is an independent charity that exists for all people living in rural areas but especially those who are at risk of isolation and/or disadvantage. AirS is strongly committed to the values of equality and diversity in everything that we do and we are very proud of the work that we do to build stronger and more inclusive communities across the great county of Sussex

Action in rural Sussex (AirS) logo

The help they provide

Where they help (Areas):Lewes District, Wealden

Who they help (Beneficiaries):Children and families, Older people

How they help (Services):Advice, Information & Advocacy, Campaigning, Health, Housing

Get In Touch

Action in rural Sussex
16 Market Street

