Posted January 30, 2024

Funding to Support the Conservation of Rural Historic Buildings in England and Wales
Historic Houses Foundation is offering grants of up to £250,000 to support organisations across England and Wales with the repair of rural historic buildings and structures, including their gardens, grounds, and outbuildings where appropriate.
Funding is available for projects can show that:
- There is a compelling need for the work undertaken to be done within the next two to three years.
- The project will enhance the historic environment.
- There will be appropriate public access.
- There is a financial need for the grant.
- The project can proceed within a reasonable timeframe.
- The project is sustainable with a suitable conservation and/or business plan.
- The building or structure is listed. However, grants that involve an unlisted building, particularly in a conservation area, may be considered.
- The structure is rural, either in the countryside or where it has been overtaken by urban or suburban development.
The minimum grant that can be applied for is £1,000 and the maximum is £250,000. Larger awards will only be made in exceptional circumstances. Most grants are for less than £50,000.
Eligible organisations should be legally responsible for repairing a historic building, garden, and grounds. The Foundation would normally expect the applicant to own the building or estate, hold a full repairing lease with no less than 20 years to run, or be able to demonstrate a legally binding agreement to acquire such a building or estate.
Applications can be submitted at any time.
Further details can be found in the attached and via the link here: Historic Houses Foundation
Get in touch
0300 124 6810Address
Newhaven Enterprise Centre,
Denton Island, Newhaven,
East Sussex, BN9 9BA