Posted February 19, 2025



Health and Social Care News East Sussex

Extra appointments for urgent dental care

Dentist's chair and equipment.More help for people needing urgent dental support is being made available in Sussex.

The NHS in Sussex is expanding access to urgent dental care appointments following the success of a pilot programme last year. More appointments are being made available across Sussex, including in Eastbourne, Hastings, Lewes, Rother, and Wealden.

The initiative will provide same-day urgent care appointments and also offers courses of treatment, reducing the need for recurring visits.

People in need of urgent dental care who don’t have a regular dentist can access the service by calling the Sussex Dental Helpline on 0300 123 1663 or emailing [email protected].

Read more about the Sussex Dental Helpline

NHS Sussex advice on keeping well

Cold weather can be had for our health but there are lots of things you can do to stay well this winter.Sussex doctors are offering advice to help you stay well, following high cases of flu and winter viruses over the start of the year.

The local NHS has shared advice on keeping well, when you may need to seek medical help for respiratory infections, and how to get advice.

Find out who is at higher risk of respiratory infections and get tips on staying warm and well this winter.

Read the NHS advice on staying well

Cervical screening saves lives

Cervical screening saves lives. If you missed your last screening appointment, contact your GP or your local sexual health clinic.A woman who avoided her cervical screening for nearly 20 years went on to discover she had cancer after her GP practice offered her screening during an appointment for something else.

Penny shared her story during Cervical Cancer Prevention Week, as she wants it to be a powerful reminder of the importance of regular screening. Early detection saves lives.

Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, yet two women die every day from it. It’s most common in women aged between 30 and 35, but it can happen at any age, and anyone with a cervix can get it. If you missed your last cervical screening appointment, contact your GP practice or visit your local sexual health clinic.

Read Penny’s story and how to book a cervical screening appointment

Tell your energy and water suppliers if you need extra support

Someone washing their hands at the kitchen sink.Did you know energy and water companies hold priority service registers that are free to join?

This is a list of people who, because of their age, illness, disability, or personal circumstances, may need extra support if there are issues with their water, electricity, or gas supply. This could be during planned work or an emergency. It’s also a way for the company to know about any particular communication needs you might have.

It’s a good idea to register before emergencies come along to make sure you’re prepared. Find out who can sign up and how to register:

How to sign up to Priority Service Registers

Overdose first aid training sessions

Overdose awareness training.Change Grow Live is offering online training sessions to raise awareness of overdose signs and symptoms, and teach participants how to give a lifesaving medication. The training focuses on Nyxoid, a nasal spray form of Naloxone, which is designed to reverse the effects of opioid overdoses and save lives.

These sessions are ideal for:

  • outreach workers
  • people using opiate based medications or heroin
  • carers, friends or relatives of drug users
  • hostel managers
  • local business owners
  • someone working in an environment where there is a risk of opiate overdose, and Nyxoid may be useful.

However anyone can attend, whether it’s helpful for your professional role or you simply want to be prepared to help in an emergency.

Sessions are running during February and March. Take this opportunity to equip yourself with vital first-aid skills that could help save a life.

Book a place on the training

Physical health checks for people with severe mental illness

Someone speaking to a doctor.Sussex Health and Care is highlighting the importance of people with a severe mental illness – including schizophrenia and bipolar disorder – having an annual physical health check.

People with a severe mental illness are at greater risk of physical ill health, and an annual physical health check can help to identify any potential issues or conditions that might need investigation or treatment. For example, heart disease, breathing conditions and some cancers.

If you have a diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and/or experience psychosis and you’re 18 or over, you can benefit from the free annual health check. You, your family or carer can contact your GP practice to request one.

Find out more about the physical health checks

On the streets: Rough sleeping in East Sussex

homeless person outside their tent.In an era of record house prices, a competitive rental market and the rising cost of living, the prospect of a ‘forever home’ seems out of reach for more of us than ever before. Circumstances can change alarmingly quickly and are often outside of people’s control. This could lead to a loss of a stable home and for some, the only immediate option might be sleeping rough.

When temperatures plummet, conditions for people sleeping on the streets can be harsher than ever. From arranging for outreach to offering a hot drink, here are some ways you can help people experiencing homelessness and rough sleeping in East Sussex:

How to help someone sleeping rough

Supporting people through winter

Branches covered in ice.East Sussex health and social care staff and volunteers have been learning about the range of advice and support available for local people this winter, like help to stay warm at home.

Over 260 people attended a series of five events to make sure they have the latest information on what services and support are available over the colder months, and beyond. This will help staff and volunteers give information and advice to people who need it.

Attendees had the opportunity to hear from a range of local services. Presentations covered topics including Pharmacy First, support to stay warm and well at home, getting money advice, One You East Sussex (our local, free health and wellbeing service), tackling loneliness, and the NHS app.

The events were funded through Citizens Advice locally and organised as part of the Integrated Community Team programme.

If you’d like to learn more about the range of winter advice and support available in East Sussex, take a look at our recent winter advice article.

Read more about the winter events

Where to find out more…

Laptop.Get advice on symptoms and treatments and find your nearest services, including pharmacies, dentists, GPs, A&E and urgent care.
People talking.Want to stay living at home but finding it difficult to cope? Look after someone who couldn’t cope without you? Find out how Adult Social Care can help.
A computer mouse, a pencil and a speech bubble.Find local mental health servicessearch for local care, support and wellbeing services, or find information on support with the cost of living.
A laptop.Get in touch using our contact form if you have any questions or comments about this newsletter.
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Newhaven Enterprise Centre,
Denton Island, Newhaven,
East Sussex, BN9 9BA