Posted February 18, 2025



Have your say on pharmacy services in East Sussex


We want to know what people living in East Sussex think about accessing local pharmacy services in their area.

East Sussex County Council is doing an assessment of pharmacies in the county, which includes hearing from residents about their experience using local pharmacies.

Why your view matters

The assessment of pharmacies is called a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). It allows us to see where in the county we need to improve access to pharmacies, so that all residents have a pharmacy they can get to when they need it. It also helps the NHS to plan for the future and ensure that pharmacies offer a high-quality service.

By sharing your views and experience we can get a better idea of where people have a good experience of using their local pharmacy and where to focus on improving.

Taking part

The survey takes 5-10 minutes to complete. You can use the ‘Save and come back later…’ button at the end of each page if you don’t want to complete the survey all in one go. A summary of the survey is given in the ‘Take a look at the survey topics before you start:’ section near the bottom of this page.

If you need support to take part or need the survey printed and posted to you, in large print or on coloured paper, or in another format please get in touch using the contact details provided.

Next steps

Once the survey closes your feedback will be considered as part of our Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment. We’ll then post information about the outcomes of the survey findings on this overview page, so keep an eye on our consultation homepage or save a copy of the link below:

Your data will be stored securely for up to two years by East Sussex County Council and the results and findings will be published in the local Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment in October 2025.

Closes 20 Mar 2025

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0300 124 6810


Newhaven Enterprise Centre,
Denton Island, Newhaven,
East Sussex, BN9 9BA