Posted August 29, 2024



#GettingEastSussexMoving is a two year-long campaign that aims to encourage people in East Sussex to be more active

The campaign, which is coordinated by Public Health at East Sussex County Council in collaboration with a range of activity partners and providers, identifies and celebrates the wide range of amazing local places across the county where people can walk, cycle, swim, exercise and get active in a way that suits them, with messaging that highlights the benefits to health and wellbeing of becoming more active.

Each month has a theme, and for September the theme is: Exploring!

Now is the ideal time for everyone to get out and enjoy the beautiful coastline, parks, forests and heritage. We highlight the range of activities for people of all ages, including walking, and the availability of free heritage visits.

For adults of all ages, we are encouraging people to go and explore what is available of the heritage in the county, get out walking and noticing the changes around them.

We throw out a challenge to everyone to try something new: that might be exploring a castle, creating some art, seeing behind the scenes of a theatre, or walking. There are lots of opportunities to join clubs to get support to start walking.

September is the first month of this second year-long campaign, following on from the success of the first year and hopefully it will inspire more people to get out and take advantage of some of the amazing places in which to be active across beautiful East Sussex.

The #GettingEastSussexMoving campaign ties in with the overarching #GettingSussexMoving campaign launched by Active Sussex, an organisation funded by Sport England, which is working towards addressing inequality and empowering everyone in Sussex to be active in a way that works for them.

Look out for the hashtag #GettingEastSussexMoving on social media. You can find out more about Active Sussex by visiting

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East Sussex, BN9 9BA