Posted September 5, 2024



Fraudulent email alert

We are aware that some 3VA member groups have received an email with the subject heading ‘3VA – Voluntary Action in Eastbourne 2024’.

Please be assured that this email does not originate from 3VA. If you receive an email with the following content:


I’m checking in to be see sure you want to get the Registrants/Member List.

           ·           3VA – Voluntary Action in Eastbourne (England,UK, 2024 )

           ·           1,000+ Contacts

 I’m waiting for your response so I can let you know the cost & more details.

Have a great day 🙂

 3VA – Voluntary Action in Eastbourne 2024Regards,


The email above is not from 3VA, and we would never undertake releasing or selling data in this way.

Our IT consultants have been made aware of this issue and we would advise against responding to the email and permanently deleting it. It would also be advisable to block the senders email address. This is a scam and there is more information about scam emails, including how to report them here:

Report a scam email – NCSC.GOV.UK

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0300 124 6810


Newhaven Enterprise Centre,
Denton Island, Newhaven,
East Sussex, BN9 9BA