Posted February 18, 2025



An elected mayor for Sussex? Give your view to the government.

New powers and investment: how East Sussex could benefit from devolution

A message from Keith Glazier

“You may have seen that the government has agreed a plan to transfer more powers and funding to people in Sussex: a change known as devolution.

“The government wants more decisions to be taken locally – on things like large transport projects, planning housing, and economic growth. Some of the funding for these will also be controlled locally.

Councillor Keith Glazier

“In charge of those new powers and money would be a combined authority for the whole of Sussex. This new body would be made up of a mayor to be elected by you in May 2026 and representatives from East Sussex County Council and our neighbours in West Sussex and Brighton & Hove.

“As leader of East Sussex County Council, I support this opportunity. I believe it will give you (and our neighbours) a bigger say on decisions which are made at the moment in Westminster. As well as money to fund them.

“Local councils in East Sussex will continue to provide almost all of your day-to-day services and will work closely with a mayor and combined authority on the largest issues which affect all of Sussex.

“This opportunity will bring some other changes. One is that the government has decided to postpone county council elections due in May in places where devolution is planned, including in East Sussex.

“This will allow work to prepare for the election of a Sussex mayor in 2026 and avoids spending more than £1.5 million of public money this year.

“In future the government also plans for you to be served by just one council (known as ‘unitary government’) rather than the present two-tier system of East Sussex County Council and a borough or district council (Eastbourne, Hastings, Lewes, Rother or Wealden).

“Discussions about how to arrange this are continuing and we will keep you updated.

“Right now, this does not mean any changes to your services. I can assure you that we’re working harder than ever to try and meet your needs, even in this toughest of financial times.

“The government has begun a public consultation on its plans for devolution and you can give your views from now until 13 April.”

Sussex and Brighton devolution consultation

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East Sussex
BN26 6EA