Posted August 29, 2024



Health and Care Services: Tell us, tell others, make a difference

Our Feedback Centre allows you to tell us how health and care services are delivering for you.

We always want to hear your experiences so that we can learn where they are performing well and where they can improve.

Examples might include:

  • Your visit to the Pharmacy
  • Your latest check-up at the dentist
  • How easy you are finding it to register with a GP
  • Getting support with access to care services for you or a loved one
  • Your stay in hospital and experience of discharge

Why not spend a few minutes telling us whether you are finding services good, bad or indifferent each time you use them.

You can also see what other people have said.

If you deliver a service, then do take a look and see what people have said. You can also provide responses to the reviews.

What we’ve heard recently 

In the last 12 months we have received 126 reviews. The largest number of reviews have been about GP’s. We have also received feedback about local hospitals, dentists, pharmacies and other services.

There has been a mix of positive, negative and mixed feedback over the last 12 months.

Positive feedback told us about helpful staff, friendly and prompt service and in-depth information being shared.

The negatives raised included difficulty in accessing services, concerns around facilities, quality of care and poor information sharing.

How we use your feedback

We may share published reviews or the themes they contain with health and care commissioners and providers so they can understand your experiences and use your feedback to make positive changes.

This includes with the East Sussex Health & Wellbeing Board, the Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee, NHS Sussex, ESCC Adult Social Care and individual services.

Each month we also publish a ‘You Said – We Did’ report which highlights examples of what you told us and how we used the information.

Contact Us

If you have any queries or questions about the Healthwatch East Sussex Feedback Centre, then please contact us via:

Telephone: 0333 101 4007 Monday – Friday (10am – 2pm)


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