Posted January 29, 2025



ESSCP Child Protection in a Multi Agency Context – 24.02.25 9.30 – 16:30 at Wellshurst Golf Club

There are remaining spaces available on the ESSCP Child Protection in a Multi-Agency Context 24.02.2025, 9:30 – 16:30 – at Wellshurst Golf Club

Research and Case Reviews continue to highlight the need for agencies to take joint responsibility and joint decision making to prevent harm to children and young people. Proactive information giving and seeking, is an essential part of collaborative working.

By the end of the course, participants will:

  • Understand more about the role and responsibilities of Social Care, Police, Health and Education within Early Help and Safeguarding and Child Protection process.
  • Have had the opportunity to think about the thresholds for intervention when supporting children and families using scenarios and case studies.
  • Reflect on any assumptions and expectations that they have in relation to other agencies and be clearer about what these are in practice.
  • Be more confident about challenging other professionals if they are not in agreement with any decisions made about a child or family.

To book your place on this event please click this link:   Take this course

We have recently switched to the new Learning Portal, so if you are not an ESCC staff member you may need to set up a login if this is the first time you have used it – if you have any queries about the booking process or course administration, please contact us.

ESSCP training terms and conditions apply – see booking for more details.

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Denton Island, Newhaven,
East Sussex, BN9 9BA